Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vietnam: Temple of Literature

The Temple of Literature in Hanoi claims to be Vietnam's first University, dating back to 1076. It is also a Confucian temple, honoring Confucius and scholars of his tradition. While the compound was not as grand or as well-maintained as I expected, it had some interesting architectural details and worn charm.

Rooftop carving
View through the doorframes
Stair detail
The peaceful stroll through the series of courtyards was also a welcome relief from dodging street traffic. Unlike some other tourist sites, the temple only had a handful of visitors while we were there,
including a young couple with their wedding party in traditional Vietnamese clothing. 

The old trees with exposed roots added to the ancient feel of the site, even as modernity in the form of a motorbike whizzed by. Note how low the doorframe is -- only tall enough to fit me; OD had to duck of course.  

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