Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vietnam: Food

We arrived in Hanoi hungry (which if you know us, you know is not a good state) and so as soon we settled into the hotel, we set out towards Green Tangerine. I wasn't quite ready to weave through the crazy traffic in the Old District, but the call of food drove me forward. OD had promised it was just a few blocks away, however, we got turned around several times (OD blames the GPS on the phone) and had almost given up when we finally spotted it. Tucked away from the street, the cafe had a cozy courtyard all decked out for Christmas. We were quite happy to finally sit down, gorge ourselves on bread, and have our first delicious meal in Vietnam.

Ever since we decided to go to Vietnam, I had been talking up how much pho I was going to eat. Now, if you've seen how much I can eat in one sitting, then you know I can't even finish a bowl, but I tried. OD seemed to prefer fried rice over noodles. Here is our meal the first night in Hanoi:

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