Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pak Ou Caves, Laos

From Luang Prabang, we took a slow boat up the Mekong River to the Pak Ou Caves. It is about a two-hour ride from town, as those boats really do go slowly! But they do have their charms.

It was a relaxing ride on calm waters. The trip also gave us a chance to get a short glimpse of life on the river. Of course, there was also a built-in stop at a fishing village, with a few stands hawking souvenirs, but there wasn't much else to see or do there.

The Pak Ou Caves are known for their hundreds of Buddha sculptures. They ranged in size from medium to miniature and looked as if they had been placed randomly by mischievous followers. 

There was also an upper cave, but as I was weak from the respiratory bug we got in Bangkok, I couldn't face the steps, so I had OD go on without me. At least I could review the photos afterwards.

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