Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cat Cat Village, Vietnam

Our first outing from Sapa was Cat Cat Village -- a well-trodden path on the tourist trail. OD was quite amused at the sign's instructions: "Do not give money for children" and tried to explain the distinction between "for" and "to" to our guide.

Our guide convinced me to take a try at a traditional instrument, before OD pointed out that who knows how many mouths had been on it. Luckily, I didn't pick up any germs!

The H'mong ethnic group are known for their colorful costumes. Fabrics are made by handloom and then dyed from plant extracts.

Not all is traditional in Cat Cat Village; we passed by a hut of children watching tv. Farther down the road a flock of chickens passed by a parked motorcycle.

OD had this obsession with pigs during our trek -- I asked him why he kept taking photos of them, when they all more or less looked the same, but I guess to him each pig had something unique to offer.

Cat Cat village winds down past pumpkin patch roofs and eventually to a waterfall. Later that day we had some pumpkin soup, and it was delicious!

After the requisite phototaking, we then made our way out of the village, over a bridge, and back towards the town of Sapa.

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