Friday, April 26, 2013

Angkor Thom and Surroundings

Angkor Bayon

Part of the ancient city of Angkor Thom, Bayon was perhaps my most favorite site. I appreciated its striking singularity -- while other structures might start to blur together in the heat and humidity, the repetition of the same face on 54 towers made Angkor Bayon memorable (and a bit creepy).


Within Angkor Thom also lies Baphoun, a representation of the mythical Mt Meru. It has some pleasing features, including a long walkway and doorways resurrected against the sky.

Preah Khan 
Also situated near Angkor Thom is Preah Khan, which has been fairly well preserved. I'm afraid I can't say much about this temple, as it was at this point in the day that I started to melt and didn't care if I saw one more relief or crumbling pillar.

Ta Prohm

Not far from Angkor Thom but overtaken by jungle is Ta Prohm, featured in the movies Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom. With its giant tree roots and dramatic shadows, this temple definitely has Hollywood appeal.  

For another jungle setting, see the post on Beng Maelea.

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